We all have memories of our high school years. Some fond like the times you spent with your friends and then “soul-mates.” Others, not so pleasant like say, I don’t know, a bully or rather forgettable break-ups. Ah, the good times high school presented to the oldies and is still yet waiting to present to us younglings. Many say you are never going to forget your experiences in high school. I beg to differ. Now, I know there is a lot to love like the intense education and curriculum, engaging extra-curricular activities, and pep-rallies to get the school hyped up for something, but I believe the one thing that a lot of people do not want to 100% remember is their prom.
The promenade concert (Prom in short) is a formal dance usually held by a graduating high school class at the end of the year to celebrate another successfully achieved milestone in these young adults’ fast-approaching lives. While this dance is usually the talk of the school every year for, I believe the prom can go either way for one. It can be the definitive period for a student’s excellent high school saga but at the same time, it can be a complete disaster overshadowing all the highlights of one’s year.
First, there is the process of asking someone out to the prom. While most would find this the easiest part for a “no” is the worst answer they could possibly receive when asking, it is much more than meets the eye. For the popular and beautiful, there is the problem of choosing the most smoking piece of meat on campus, not often the simplest of tasks. Both males and females are looking their finest in today’s hottest fashions and one does not simply choose the most gorgeous of the bunch. Oh, I cannot wait to witness the ruckus and fights the ladies have over who is going to ask me out in high school, oh yeah!
As for the lower bunch in the status quo, their choices of a date are limited to their fellow peers in their same level of popularity. Among them, there are often those who decide prom is too lame and ditch for a night filled with of sappy love story movies and musical drama films or an all-out, duel-to-the-death style Call of Duty marathon. The remaining few who decide to actually attend the dance are left with either asking out that one boy or girl you have been longing to get close with who never seems to notice you or your best friend who you end up falling in love with at the dance causing turmoil in what you thought was an unbreakable friendship. I hope I do not have to endure such drama when my time comes.
After the tedious but sure to be complete assignment of asking out someone is complete, you are then tasked with choosing the right getup for the party. Now, I bet you understand how this can be a very difficult job for most girls what with the ideal amount of makeup, the most elegant dress, the perfectly done manicure, the most comfortable but dazzling pair of heels, and let’s not forget how one’s hair is placed and done. Alas, this is also becoming a pressing issue with the male part of our race too. Not so much because they actually care what they wear but rather if what they are wearing will impress the ladies or rather, “the one”.
You see, men are more sentimental and self-conscience than you think. They care what others think of them, especially if that person is their date to possibly the biggest dance of their lives. They must impress their woman with their charm and knowing what flowers they want in their corsage to name a few. It is almost as hard as job to prepare for prom for a man as for a woman today. Watch out, ladies. When you see the suit I have planned for you, you will practically be begging for me to be your soul mate.
Finally, the moment you have been waiting for; the actual prom. This night can possibly go one of two ways for a teen expecting the best. It could be the night of their lives, for this lucky boy or girl can be pronounced prom king or queen, dance the night away in an array of hip DJ music, get a little bit tipsy from the spiked alcohol in the supposedly 100% chaperoned event, and one can even find their true partner in life, the one in a 7.5 billion.
On the other hand, the night can be a tsunami of events, starting with you finding out your arch-nemesis won prom king or queen over you, you getting an extreme headache from the loud, pumping noise they call music, you vomiting all over said mortal enemy’s suit or dress for the spiked punch was too much for you to handle and, though that seems like a plus, you realize it was the worst mistake of your life once he or she reveals that he or she paid your date to go out with you, ruining the whole experience.
Prom can be a real blast, it really can. You might have the night of your life, a memory you’ll never, ever forget. Hey, you might even be married to your prom date after all those years and I congratulate you for sticking together that long. But we must not forget the horrors prom brings in our live. How long we look for a date, how hard we must prepare for the night, only to be ultimately turned into a huge disaster. If there is anything I can advise my fellow younglings preparing themselves for the time of their lives years from now, I have just one thing to say. Do not get your hopes up.