Teachers and students may I have your attention please”, said my principal on the PA system. “The weather outside is minus twenty (-20), therefore, we will be having indoor recess today. Please follow the rules for indoor recess, thank you”. ….Yes…, I said to my friend who sits beside me. We were both happy. You may ask why? We only like going outside for recess in the spring time when it is nice and warm! OH. If you haven’t noticed, it’s so cold outside and that is why nobody wants to be out there! Brr!

It started on Monday January 5, 2015, first day back to school after Christmas break. I woke up and put on my robe to keep my body warmer. When it was time for my mom to leave for work, I heard her saying … “Guys it is cold out there, so you better bundle up. Make sure you have your school sweaters on, wear your coats, hats, mittens, boots and your scarf to keep warm”. When I was watching her put all her stuff on, I realized she wasn’t joking. When she opened the door to leave, my whole body felt the cold as I was still in my PJs!

Some people love snow to make their dreams come true. When I say their dreams, I mean they want to go out to ski, snowboard, and tobogganing. The cold weather and the snow is all they need. While others would rather stay in their warm houses and spend time with loved ones. So at the end of the day everyone gets what they wanted and we all have fun.

I would like to give you some tips on how to keep warm in this cold weather

  • Dress warm if possible in layers when you are going outside. Remember to cover your head (wear your hat), cover your neck (wrap your scarf around it), cover your body (put on a winter jacket/coat to cover your torso and legs if possible), protect your hands (have mittens on) and have some warm winter boots.
  • Check the temperature everyday to know how much to bundle up.
  • Try to keep inside. Only go outside if you really need to go out.
  • Be safe when walking or driving because of the icy walkways and roads
  • And where possible, keep warm by drinking warm drinks such as warm milk, hot chocolate, coffee and tea

At the end of the day we should be thankful that we are not going through a Tornado, an Earthquake or a Tsunami. What I am trying to say is that, nobody is hurt. When you think of it, when it is cold, dressing by the weather can help. I enjoy being inside the house as this is the time I can read more books as well as watch a bit more of TV. And most of all, I still have my family to keep me warm.
