Have you ever heard of the statement, “Nobody is perfect”!! If yes, have you always agreed to it? I have and still do. But what really is perfect? My article today is on the subject of what perfect is. I felt like touching this subject because, it has been a mistake made often by most of us!! I will explain how and why by giving three examples of what people may think perfect means (as qualities of a perfect person?)

Perfect could be: Based on how you look. For girls: A slim body but not too thin, luscious long hair, and a perfect complexion, (very beautiful!). For boys: A muscular build, super athletic, and also a perfect complexion, (very handsome!).

Perfect could be: Teacher’s pet. Your super nice to everyone, you never disobey the commandments, you’re super obedient, and you’re a straight A student!!

Perfect could be: Based on Fame: You have so many friends, you’re super friendly, you’re extremely popular, you’re a born socialite, you have absolutely no enemies, and you’re a big role model, you’re super rich!!

  • Have you ever thought of who you would consider to be your perfect teacher?
  • How about a perfect parent? Or perfect child? Or a perfect sibling? Or a perfect friend?
  • Would you want to be considered perfect? By who, when, how and why?

The question is: Which one of these examples means perfect to you? The thing is what perfect means to you might not even be in those examples!! This is because it can mean something else to different people. Not everyone thinks of perfect the same way! That’s why I think perfect is a subjective term!! Subjective means that the word is based on somebody’s opinions or feelings rather than on facts or evidence. Not everyone thinks of perfectness the same way, so when someone references being perfect, it might not mean the same thing to everyone. Maybe the other question would be: Have you ever desired to be perfect? In what areas or based on what?

In fact, people usually get their vision of perfect from their flaws. If they’re already good looking, maybe being perfect to them is example 2 and 3 above and vice versa. Perfect for a person might be: needing improvements in some one self’s areas! But how about if what you’re looking for is not achievable or possible? How about if you can’t have that look or body?? In other words: such desires actually can have something to do with your self-esteem. Yep, that’s right. I did this article on what people perceive as perfect and yet I don’t believe in it myself! Honestly, I think (going back to my previous article) that wishing to be perfect is just a step down spiraled to low self-esteem, or vise-versa. There could be in fact a whole topic and conversation on what the perfect person is, but will we ever come to one conclusion?

After all, if being perfect is not important, even in the eyes of God (I believe!), then what matters the most? Well, don’t get me wrong, at least I know for sure that God is perfect, but I also believe that he is perfect in a divine way that a human will never achieve. Still it’s good to know that God is not looking for us to be perfect. How wonderful!! What matters then, I think, is the reality that we can all at least strive to be good or our best self (as seen in our TRUE MIRROR!). I think also that it is good to know some of the key qualities of a good person ~ our best self. These would include (among other things) being: loving, caring, understanding, patient, helpful, without forgetting being compassionate toward others (remember one “ARK” at a time, article?)!!

The key message here is: it is ok to strive to be your best self… You don’t have to be perfect!!

Venus Wambura