It is done. The ultimate decision has been made. The whole of Toronto, maybe the whole of Canada, were on their toes, waiting patiently for the results, all the while biting their nails, ripping of their hair in uncontrollable anticipation. After dozens and dozens of heated debates that showcased the future leaders of Toronto, after months of endorsements and election signs placed anywhere and everywhere like a kid with glue, paper, and an entirely empty room, after many predictions and conversations and questions asked by all, we finally know. We finally know who will lead Toronto for a good four years, four years promised to be scandal free. The new mayor of the greatest city in Canada is Rob Ford… HAH! In his dreams! I almost shed a tear in hysterical laughter. Yes, I know I am funny, thank you. In all seriousness, John Tory is the newly elected mayor of Toronto.

On Monday, October 27, 2014, Toronto voted for a new mayor and their voices were heard. John Tory came in first with about 40% of the votes, Doug Ford not far behind with about 33% of the votes, and Olivia Chow finishing third with about 23% of the votes. Now that the Ford Era is finally over, Toronto can now rewrite its reputation in favour of the city. At least for now though; Rob Ford promises to run for mayor in 2018. John Tory is going to have to be quick about his fixing for we do not want a repeat of the last four years in Toronto now do we?

The Fords really did taint Toronto’s image you know, and I feel some relief along with all the other Torontonians who voted against Doug Ford this time around. They brought the plague of scandal, lies, and ridicule to that great city, they denied and denied again, and throughout everything, they stood together as one, Doug and Rob. Not once do I remember seeing Doug Ford not siding with his younger brother and that really does discourage anyone else outside of Toronto about thinking Toronto politics is all that clean. Though it really is scary how close Doug Ford was to becoming the next mayor and luckily for the people, there was some sense in those who selected someone other than Doug Ford. I am going to be honest and quite harsh here but do the 33% of the voters who voted for Ford not remember how humiliated the whole of Toronto, the whole of Canada felt under the Ford sibling shenanigans?

The Ford Era is not quite over yet for Rob Ford is now the councillor of Ward 2. Now, that area is Ford Nation, so I guess whatever Rob Ford wants in his ward will be accepted rather positively but for those in Ward 2 that are against the Fords, I pity them, and I will personally invite you to reside in my ward to avoid any more embarrassment or angry neighbours who love he Fords. (Hah, no I am kidding, stay where you. It sucks to be you right now!).

But seriously, Rob, why didn’t you just slow down and care for yourself for now? Isn’t your medical panel telling you so? How are you going to represent your ward with all these medical appointments ahead of you? I pity the people of Ward 2 and I can only imagine Rob missing a lot of council meetings (so he gets paid for not working or……)

The one thing I did not like about the Toronto election though was the fact that it was ALL anybody talked about. You would hardly hear conversation about the Markham elections or the Mississauga elections or even the Ottawa elections, Canada’s capital. Because of Rob Ford, a hell a lot more attention was on the Toronto elections 24/7. It was almost like Toronto was the center of the world, maybe the whole wide world itself!

I believe Toronto will come back stronger than it has ever done before, shaking off all its critics and jokers in the process. People will not remember Toronto as that one city that had that Mayor who smoked crack and lost the respect of the whole city, and probably most of North America, and oh right, the man who always said weird things and blamed it on one of his “drunken stupors”. I believe John Tory will do Toronto some good with his “SmartTrack” Line and leadership. I think Toronto is in good hands for the next four years and hopefully more years to come. Kudos to all Torontonians and let us hope that the only news that should come out of Toronto from now on is news not concerning unnecessary controversies anymore.
