Last week, we had a lesson on the divine nature. Let me share with you the highlights of our lesson. What does the divine nature means? The divine nature means the ability or power of God in us. The essence of God’s divine nature is love and righteousness. God can do mighty things in our lives and He will lead us in every step we take; of course this has to be in accordance to His word. The scripture says ” Through these, He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.” Through God’s divine nature we can escape the disaster in society caused by sinful deeds.

The Holy Spirit activates divine nature and it empowers us and guides us to the right path. Therefore, if we want God’s divine nature, we have to invite the Holy spirit into our lives. For the scripture says ”For God is not a God of disorder but of peace – as in all the congregations of the Lord’s people”. This scripture states that God is not a God of disorder, but of peace. Peace of God does not bring confusion, but it helps you get in order. We were encouraged to ask for the grace of God to help us do well in our lives. For example, when we have an examination coming up, we obviously have to study, but also we have to ask for the grace of God to help us do well on that exam.

We need the divine nature of God in us so we can prosper and succeed and to let God do amazing things in us. I hope you ask God for his divine nature and I hope you now know more about this topic. May God bless you all!

Josiah Damian