Do you ever have those moments where you look at yourself in the mirror and you see your flaws? Have you ever compared yourself to someone else and hated the outcome? Like ‘Her hair is prettier than mine!’ or ‘He can do more push-ups than I will ever be able to do!’ I have. It is not something I am proud of but I have had those moments!! That is called insecurity!!!

Low self-esteem (insecurity) can reduce the quality of a person’s life in many different ways. It could even lead to anxiety or depression in a person’s life!! The problem is that we get doubts in our mind that we do not erase and eventually they become overwhelming!! How often do you think, “if only I believed in myself”? If we start having a HUGE problem of low self-esteem, it could lead to us harming ourselves (by using drugs, developing eating disorders), or harming others (bullying). The point is, low self-esteem can have bad effects on you and others. Don’t believe in doubts. Believe in yourself!!

Most kids that go to school are at risk to being judged or regular basis. They are seen by others by their differences amongst others!! We may see it as uniqueness, but they could see it as flaws. The real question is not: Am I worthy of others? It is: Do I believe in myself? The answer to that question should be yes!! God made everyone differently for a reason!! How boring would it be if everyone in the world looked exactly the same and had the exact same personality? If you change yourself to look or act like someone you are not, you are stripping yourself of your own uniqueness. You are not being self-worthy.

We kids are not the only people with low self-esteem, even celebrities face it. Here’s an example of Serena Williams’ self-esteem issue: ‘Serena Williams, the tennis champion “always tried to be Venus” — her elder sister and fellow tennis superstar, Venus Williams. “There were two Venus Williamses in our family — it was crazy,” Serena said. At restaurants, “my parents would make me order first, but once she ordered, I’d change my mind. It was tough for me to stop being Venus and become the person I am. … I still copy Venus in many ways, but it’s not as bad.” This example tells us that Serena didn’t believe in herself enough to be who she was. She wanted to be someone else, and even eat like someone else!! That is low self-esteem!!

‘Self-Worth’ is a pretty big word. Its meaning is ‘confidence in one’s own worth or abilities; self-respect.’ Are you self-worthy? Do you accept who you are? I had decided to look myself in the mirror and sell myself. I pretended that I was talking to someone else and telling them everything about me. I told myself that I was beautiful with my dark-brown eyes that sparkled when they hit the light!! I told myself I was pretty with my mouth that always seem to be smiling. I told myself I was funny with my ability to crack people up, and so on. I described myself from looking through the true mirror. The mirror that I saw myself through. Not the mirror that is represented by my friends and my comparison to others!! I told myself why I was unique. That my friends, is the true mirror. I accept myself and I am confident in my own worth and ability!! I am self-worthy. Are you? What makes you unique?

Venus Wambura