One day at our school, the announcements were saying that there was a student council meeting for running for the positions in student council. At first, I did not care about it, so I did not go to the meeting. Then, at lunchtime, I thought to myself that if I win a position in student council, then that will boost my chances of winning awards along with good grades. I rushed to Mrs. Buczek’s class (science teacher/former grade 7 teacher/counselor of student council) and got a student council form. There were several positions in student council to run for such as Prime minister, Deputy Prime minister, Minister of finance, Minister of student affairs, Minster of social justice, and Parliamentary secretary. I did not know what to run for, so a good friend of mine told me that I should run for minister of social justice because it required someone to have excellent Christian values and she said that I had excellent Christian values. I agreed with her choice and I was determined to get this position in student council.

The condition for entering the contest was to have 10 people to sign on my application form and a signature from my parents and also class teacher. I did those three things as quickly as possible. The candidates who were running for various positions in student council had to start campaigning (i.e. make posters) and I was a little bit worried because I had tons of homework and so little time to relax. I went with my dad to buy the materials that I needed to make posters to display at the school. I made my first poster late at night and I ended up finishing at 1:00 AM! I was satisfied with my poster because it was big, appealing, and I had a good slogan. ”Vote for Josiah, he’ll lead you to the Messiah”! My second poster that I made was a medium size, but it was still a good one. This time I made it simple, ” Vote for Josiah for minister of social justice!”

Candidates had to make speeches of what will make them best for the job, discuss their duties in that particular role, and ideas they may have for the school community and community at large. We had to present our speeches on Wednesday, October 1, 2014. I had a lot of time on Saturday and Sunday, so I knew I could not waste any time. I was nervous about the speech because I had to speak in front of the entire grade six, seven, and eight students. I was determined to make an excellent speech. I brainstormed my ideas for my speech and I watched numerous videos on YouTube of other students sharing their speeches on why they should be elected in student council. I also searched up the meaning of social justice in the internet and the qualities to obtain it. I finally finished my speech and I was proud of what I wrote. My dad was not at home until Monday, so on that day I asked him if he can proofread it and he said he enjoyed reading it and that it was great!. All the candidates had to give Mrs. Buczek their speeches for approval on Tuesday, and when she approved mine, she said that she liked my speech and the ”thing” I added at the end of the speech. Now I know you are wondering, ”What thing is that? “Well, I will explain it to you at the very end and in fact this ‘thing” gave the crowd some entertainment!.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014 was the speech day! I practiced my speech on Tuesday evening and I prayed to God that I would do excellent on my speech and that I will not mess up!. I was extremely worried to present my speech to the entire grade six, seven, and eight students, but I kept telling myself that I could do it! When lunch recess ended, we went to our classrooms for lunch. I ate my lunch quickly so that I can have enough time to practice my speech. When lunchtime ended, all candidates had to go to the gymnasium. Two student council counselors, Mrs. Buczek and Mrs. Hewigell (my grade 8 teacher), told us everything that we needed to know when we are presenting our speeches and what order we are in. All Parliamentary Secretary Candidates were first, Minister of Social Justice Candidates were second, Minister of Student Affairs Candidates were third, Minister of Finance Candidates were fourth, Deputy Prime Minister Candidates were fifth, and finally Prime Minister Candidates. My opponents were two grade 7 boys and one grade 7 girl. When all students entered the gymnasium I was so worried, but Mrs. Hewgill calmed me down.

We finally started our presentation of speeches and Mrs. Buczek introduced the candidates and what positions they were running for. It was finally my turn to speak, so Mrs. Buczek called me up to the microphone and as I was walking up to Mrs. Buczek, I hoped none of my friends made me laugh during my speech. When I started speaking, I felt so confident and I was not worried anymore. I was comfortable to talk in front of many people and I felt good. Remember that ”thing” I was going to say at the end of my speech? Well, I took out sunglasses from my pocket and put them on my face, then I said, ”Vote for Josiah he will lead you to the Messiah, he is so cool and fresh like a papaya, he will make this year memorable and it will be incredible. Word!” I was rapping to the crowd and everyone cheered for me when I finished rapping. I was so happy and I was confident that I would be the minister of social justice. After all the speeches were done all students had to vote for one candidate in each position. The candidates also got to vote, and I obviously voted for myself as minister of social justice. The results were announced during the morning announcements the next day, but I unfortunately wasn’t there because I had a soccer tournament to attend. After my soccer tournament, as I was riding my bike home I saw my friends and they told me that I had won the position of minister of social justice. I was so overjoyed! I couldn’t believe that I won! When I went to the school the next day everyone at the school congratulated me for the victory.

I’m very glad that I persevered and worked hard to achieve this goal, and I believe that if anyone puts hard work, dedication and faith in God in what they do, then they can achieve anything they set their minds to.

Josiah Damian