Road safety has been a problem for a while and during holiday season, it is even worse. Road accidents have become another cause of injury and death for many people. It is obvious that some drivers don’t pay attention when driving and do not care about pedestrians that are crossing the road. It is dangerous when drivers don’t look around for pedestrians or do not stop for them to cross the road. Some drivers may be talking on their cellphones or texting while driving, which is illegal to do.

The holiday season is the time where there are a lot of drunk drivers on the road. This is the time people meet and drink a lot (of course drinking beer and other alcoholic drinks, and not Tea, Coffee, Juice or Coca Cola). These drunk drivers after drinking tend to think that they can still drive back home. How can someone drive home while they cannot even talk properly or walk straight after drinking? I wonder what alcohols do to people who drink. I wish everybody was ONLY drinking water and milk.

Millions of people have died from careless drivers. I just heard in the news about a 14 years girl who was killed by a hit-and-run TTC bus in Scarborough last Friday. Another elderly woman was also killed close to where we live at yet another busy intersection. I feel sorry for their families, as instead of planning for Christmas and New Year family gatherings, they are now planning for their beloved ones funerals.

I would like to give you some tips about road safety and road safety in the winter.

  • During winter wear bright clothing or jacket so that you can be seen by drivers when you are crossing the road.
  • Always cross the road on designated crossing areas only.
  • Stop at the cross way and look both sides before you cross.
  • At all times make eye contact with drivers or hand signals if they can’t see you.
  • When riding a stake board or bike, stop and get off as you cross the road.
  • While walking don’t play with electronics or read books.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings.
  • And lastly, for those who drink, AFTER drinking, please DON’T DRIVE (I cannot stop you from drinking beer or anything that makes you drunk). Take a Taxi, Bus, Train, Subway, or better still, if you are in your friend’s house, ask to sleep over (Sleep even on the couch) or ask for someone to drop you home. STAY AWAY FROM THE STEERINGWHEEL AFTER DRINKING.

We all want to celebrate. But let’s us be safe and happy. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you.
