What is on your bucket list? I’m going to tell you the top five things on my bucket list. A bucket list is a list of things you want to do or get before you die.

The first thing on my list is to meet Selena Gomez. I want to meet her because she is my favourite singer. I have other favourite singers but she is my favourite. My favourite songs that she wrote are, love you like a love song, hit the lights, round and round, who says, tell me something I don’t know, fly to your heart, shake it up, a year without rain, naturally, and come and get it. Fly to your heart is from the movie Tinkerbell and shake it up is from the show shake it up. I have watched the show shake it up and the movie Tinkerbell. I love both.

Next, I would like to get a house with a master bedroom in it so I can have bathroom in my room. I want a bathroom in my room because that way it will be easier to go to the bathroom.

Thirdly, I want a phone. I want a phone so I could call my friends or my parents. When I get email address, I can use the phone to check emails or send emails. I am also going to be texting my parents, my sister, my friends or my grandparents.

Fourth, I really want to go to Canada Wonderland because I have never been there before. Canada Wonderland is like Disney world except it is smaller. Therefore, I want to go there because it sounds fun. I heard that you can go swimming there and that there are scary rides. I sometimes like to go on scary rides.

Finally, when I grow up I want to be an artist because I like to draw and I try my best. I also want to be a gymnast or a gymnastics teacher. I like gymnastics because it’s good exercise for your hands and legs.

I have many more things on my bucket list. What is on your bucket list?

Danica Mutasingwa