It was supposed to be the day the decisive brawl, reminiscent of the National Geographic Society’s Documentary entitled “Eternal Enemies”, pitting the Hyenas against the Lions, for the show of supremacy among the carnivores in Okavango National Park in South Africa. The day was Saturday, September 14, 2014, and I had wild imaginations on how the football re-match between Yanga and Simba would shape up and end up to be.

Being a staunch Simba fan, I had prepared myself to cover this game play by play, observing with inquisitive eyes every single kick, punt, tackle, and throw. I also imagined that, from the eyes of Simba players, a scenario similar to the scene in the movie, Madagascar would play out, in that the Yanga players and fans would look like tiny bits of steaks and barbecued chicken legs and burger quarter-pounders, darting around the football pitch, running in the direction of the ball in trepidation, while being mauled one by one, hence the anticipated and the would be the final title of my article, SIMBA MAULS YANGA.

It turned out to be one of my worst disappointment ever for the year 2014, and as one of my Simba uncles put it, for the first time ever in 3 years of the GTA soccer games, Yanga players decided to be a no-show, for a game that was scheduled 3 months in advanced, save for only three members of the squad. It is said that speculations were high that the news of how Simba was prepared to mince Yanga was leaked to the Yanga players hence, their chickening out.

With the absence of enough Yanga players, fans and spectators were however entertained to a thrilling match between the Simba players in a friendly inter-squad scrimmage, a game that was so entertaining that it demonstrated how Simba was really prepared to maul Yanga that day. There was even a “Simba Jike” (lioness) who joined in the scrimmage, and she did a very wonderful job on the right flank of the pitch. Simba also brought in some secret weapons, the new and learning lion cubs, to prop the aging Simbas. With their agility, athleticism, and sharp dominant kicks, we witnessed several balls hit the post in a show of power and prowess from the cubs and the lone Simba Jike on the pitch that day.

As per the FIFA rules, Simba was awarded a custom made gold coated replica of the World Cup weighing about 10 pounds which they accepted although they would have loved to have won it on the pitch in the planned clash of the century, duel to top all duels. WHAT A SHAME, YANGA!!!

Oh Yanga uncles, where were you? Too scared perhaps, as you knew about how Simba was prepared to annihilate you on the field, tear you apart as if you were bits of meat scurrying about. Of course, that is the tactics of the hyena, to laugh away, believing you are more powerful than the mighty Simba, King of the Savanah.

Well, as for me, I will be prepared to provide coverage again, come next year; hopefully the Yangas will not chicken again and be a no-show. So long till the summer of 2015, I remain your unbiased field reporter.☺
