Hello everyone. Our body is made up of many important organs, one of them being the liver. As you read this article you will find what I found fascinating about the liver. In this piece I will share with you all about the liver and it’s functions!

The liver is part of the digestion system, although it is not in the digestive tract. The liver is situated in the upper right abdomen. For those of you who don’t know what the liver looks like, I will describe it. The liver is wedge-shaped and dark red, with a large right lobe and a smaller left one separated by a ligament.

The liver has many jobs. One of them is to make bile- a green fluid that passes to a small storage bag called the gallbladder. When food enters the small intestine, bile flows in and helps to break up fat in the meal. After food is digested and absorbed, nutrients are carried in the blood to the liver, where they are stored, broken down further, or sent around the body in the blood. The liver also detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs. The liver weighs about three pounds and is rubbery to the touch. Normally, you can’t feel the liver because it is protected by the rib cage.

The liver takes proper care of you, so you should return the favor. Since everything you consume passes through your liver it means your liver is subjected to an array of toxins – – pesticides, hormones, food additives, alcohol, medications, microorganisms, and more – – on a regular basis. Your liver will either convert these harmful toxics into less harmful ones or ensure they’re eliminated from your body entirely. However, unavoidably some toxins get left behind and when the liver is injured it doesn’t do it’s job properly.

There are so many ways not to spoil your liver: stay away or don’t drink a lot of alcohol, eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, Stay away from medicines or drugs that harms the liver, be aware of hepatitis and how it is transmitted.

The liver is the body’s second largest organ! I didn’t know that till I read it in a book! These are the things I should have known since the liver is very important. You know what I found the most fascinating about the liver? The liver has the amazing ability to repair and regrow parts of itself if it is injured!

I hope you have all learned some very interesting facts about the liver!

Venus Wambura