Siblings. There`s the GOOD, the BAD, the UGLY. Do you have an older sibling, younger sibling, or are you an only child? Do you hate how your older sibling bosses you around even though you’re only a few years apart? Do you hate how your younger sibling is so annoying? But you all have a bond. This bond grows the older you get, despite the fights. Every brother and/or sister is different no matter how much they look alike. But we all have one thing in common. God created us all. From big to small. Tough to sensitive. Joyful to grouchy. He made us all. Anyway, what do you think is so special about a brother and a sister? I think they have a special bond with each other that a best friend can`t have. Even when you fight, they will be there for you when you need them.

Another great thing about siblings is when close in age they can play and entertain each other. Then the bond becomes stronger the older you get. But there may be bumps in the road. For example if you’re a couple years apart the eldest may go through some changes and have different interests. That might be when sibling bullying starts. The youngest can feel like a little dog toy getting left behind and loses self-confidence. The oldest may feel sad when the youngest is growing up because there is no need to protect her anymore. Maybe you are close in age! Then sibling bullying is less likely to happen because they are growing almost together. No matter what age, you learn social skills while having a sister or brother. Sharing, forgiving, asking for forgiveness, and confidence are important skills you learn that you will need in the future. Sharing includes bedrooms, toys, electronics, vacations, school and life. Confidence includes overcoming annoyance and being bossy. Asking for forgiveness and forgiving are very important skills that should be used whenever you break one of Gods rule.

“Maxine, can you help me do this” “stop it!” “That is not fair”. These are some of the annoying phrases I here every day. I definitely have mixed feelings about my sister. I also hate how she takes everything literally, she always copies and follows me, she takes so long to do things, she whines, she does not handle arguments well, and she snores. But I have to remember that I should not see her has selfish. She is my younger sister that will always be cute and always be there for me and that looks to me as a role model. I will always love her no matter what. My sister sometimes sees me has bossy, mean and crazy. But she is forgiving. This applies for all siblings. NEVER HOLD A GRUDGE FOR TOO LONG. Also when you feel thankful for your siblings, also be thankful for your parents.

People believe when you are an only child you are spoiled. This is not true. Parents can use money for other things, while with siblings there are more things to buy and more laundry! An only child has no bullies at home so he may gain confidence more easily. But personally I think parents should have siblings for 3 main reasons. They have someone to play with, they build social skills, and they learn how to resolve arguments. I went to Jamaica before. Did you know it is typical for Jamaican parents to have about 9 children or more? In my opinion I think a smaller family is easier to maintain and less costly. A large family may have lots of financial issues and social issues. What is YOUR story with your sibling? Do you have a strong or weak bond? Just remember, boy or girl, sister or brother, strong or weak, only child or siblings, adult or child, every single one of you is… PRICELESS!!!

Maxine Mutasingwa