Books. Books are like airplane tickets. Depending on what book you are reading, they transport you to different time’s places, countries etc…

A book about Princes, Princesses, Dragons, and Jesters could be your ticket to the medieval times.  A book about a celebrity mystery could be your ticket to a Hollywood detective agency.

Whenever it`s a rainy day outside or you’re having a problem books can be your refuge. They don`t even have to be novels, they can be comics, graphic novels or –for a tribute to your childhood- picture books! No matter what type of book you feel comfortable reading it can inspire and teach.

I could go on and on about the definition of a book, it`s just some pages between two covers right. Wrong!! To some people that may be the truth but really a book is a way to tap into your creativity and imagination. It`s a teacher and an airplane ticket. It`s a time machine and a companion. No definition could really explain what a book is because it is different things to different people.

To an author, a book is their way to make a living. To some children it’s a pain. To children like me it’s a past time or hobby etc… The definition and meaning a book is to other people changes a lot and so does the genre of book they read.

Romantic novels. Funny comics. Adventurous comic books. Fantasy chapter books. Colourful picture books. So many genres for so many people!

Books can open your mind to the world and make you see things in a new light. They let you dream when reality is too harsh to bear. They are friends who will never argue with you or move away. You can even make your own books, with your own genres and characters.

I love books because I can lose myself in the pages and imagine wonderful worlds in my mind. At home I am almost always found curled up on our living room couch flipping page after page after page of the book I happen to be reading. I can read almost anywhere.

Books are wonderful, exciting, sad, captivating, inspiring.

What do books mean to you?

Books wash away From the SOUL the dust of Everyday life.

Serena Wambura