In my social studies unit, I have been learning about Aboriginals. Aboriginals were the first people in Canada. They are also known as First Nations. I am going to share with you what I have learned.

Aboriginal homes were not like they are today. Tipis were one of the common Aboriginal houses. Tipis were shaped like cones. Many people would live in one tipi. There was also a rectangular planked house. They had a rectangular shape at the right.

The Aboriginal men hunted meat with their bows and arrows. They would usually hunt deer, elk and buffalo. The women gathered berries and prepared the food. Aboriginals believed that corn, beans and squash grew well together. They called them the three sisters. The Aboriginals ate food with their hands.

Instead of doctors the Aboriginals had shamans. Shamans were special healers. If you fell down and got a scratch, they would use natural resources to heal it. They also believed that dreams could predict the future so they acted out their dreams.

Aboriginals had a celebration called a powwow. At the powwow they would wear a traditional headpiece called a war bonnet or a headdress. At the powwow they would also dance around the fire and tell stories.

When the French came to Canada they took over the land. They called it new France. The Aboriginals were sad.

I think that it was hard to live back then because they had to hunt and gather food almost every day. I like the war bonnet and the things that they did at the powwow.

I hope you have learned a lot from what I’ve told you. Once you start learning about Aboriginals you will already know about a few things.

Danica Mutasingwa.