About Levina BK

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So far Levina BK has created 305 blog entries.


2024-01-01T21:44:47+00:00October 15, 2014|

Have you ever played piano before? A piano is a popular instrument that is used by tapping your fingers against the keyboard. It has 88 keys that are white and black. It can be used to play different kind of music such as jazz, classical, rock, soul and more! I started playing piano since I was around 8 years old.


2024-01-02T02:24:29+00:00October 14, 2014|

Every Tuesday, I look forward to my gymnastics classes. Gymnastics is my favorite sport. I started gymnastics when I was two and a half years old. After gymnastics I feel sweaty and a little tired but fresh.


2024-01-02T02:27:51+00:00October 13, 2014|

At the dinner table on a Monday, my parents told my brother that he was to receive an Altar Sever Award for Outstanding Achievement - Archdiocese of Toronto, Northern Region. Even though it seemed that I wasn’t happy for him, in side I was really happy for him.


2024-01-02T03:50:07+00:00October 12, 2014|

Food is very important for everybody. If you don’t eat you might die. So we should eat healthy foods more than junk foods. Everybody knows that you should not eat junk food everyday because you will get fat and sick. But you can eat junk foods once in a while.


2024-01-02T04:00:18+00:00October 11, 2014|

One day at our school, the announcements were saying that there was a student council meeting for running for the positions in student council. At first, I did not care about it, so I did not go to the meeting.


2024-01-02T04:05:45+00:00October 10, 2014|

I have written about which gender I think are more superior beforehand in my previous blog piece “The Superior Being” and, as you might or might not already know, I think that the female gender in more ways than not is more complete than the typical male gender.


2024-01-02T04:18:23+00:00October 9, 2014|

In memory of Vanessa Yasintha Wambura (August 2003 – August 2023). What do you think are important life skills for everyone to have? This might be a vague question with endless answers and that is ok. Not to worry! Well, what I want to talk about is simply the skill to handle stress.


2024-01-02T04:27:06+00:00October 8, 2014|

Do you feel that at school once lunch is around you feel useless and bored?! Well did you know that at your school, if you want to take responsibility at lunch, you can monitor one of the younger students?


2024-01-02T04:20:56+00:00October 8, 2014|

Vegetables are healthy, eat them every day. Vegetables make you strong and are very good for you. Veggies will make you grow tall. My mom says that if I eat carrots I will see better.

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