Determination is a wonderful thing, isn’t it? Being able to have the will to work hard for countless hours, days, weeks, years, all to achieve a goal you know deep down inside you are destined to achieve.
Determination is a wonderful thing, isn’t it? Being able to have the will to work hard for countless hours, days, weeks, years, all to achieve a goal you know deep down inside you are destined to achieve.
There are people of all sorts at the airport. At the airport, how many of them cry telling loved ones goodbye? How many are delighted to be reunited?
Hi Watotos! Last week at school I did a science project about arctic wolves. Did you know that wolves are part of the dog family?
For March break, I went on a wonderful trip to India with my mom and sister.
Have you ever imagined of a crimeless world? No shootings, no thefts, no sexual abuse, no children abuse, no fighting, and no killings?
On April 15, 2015, all Grade 5 students in my school went to the ROM. (The Royal Ontario Museum).
Recently I wrote a paragraph in my class. It is about how my life is different from a pioneer child’s life.
Hi watotos! Today I am going to talk about washing your hands. It is important to keep your hands clean especially when you are going to eat your meal.
We are always told to only trust adults we personally know, and even then, we must be careful for one may not always be what he or she seems to be or is supposed to be.
I am running through a field of flowers. I see a butterfly and I follow it. When it stops, there is a rainbow in front of us.