This year my school started a drama club. Our drama club is called The C.A.S.T. We also like to go by Our stage is the world, our world is the stage. In drama club, we have four jobs: acting, singing, dancing, and production crew. But for today, I will not cover production because it is not on stage yet.

Light camera action, you guessed it folks acting. Acting is really fun. Acting brings play, humor and laughter to learning. This improves motivation and reduces stress. Also, getting students involved in drama teaches them how to express themselves and help build their self-esteem.

Our drama club is working on a play and it is called Ever After. Essentially, it is about a talk show Totally Live with Sal. Our host named Sally has a talk show where fairy tale characters. Though they have parted ways for good, they come back and patch up” and show both sides of their story. Some of the characters are Cinderella, the stepsisters, the Evil Queen and her mirror, Snow white, the frog prince, Jimmy Cricket, the Host, studio audience, the commercial people, Alice, Dorothy, and Red Riding Hood.

This play takes a lot of practice and memorization. Self-Discipline is required in the process of moving from ideas to actions to performance. This show teaches the value of practice and perseverance. Drama games and creative movement improves self-control. To be a better actor or actress, you need to really get in your character. Think of your character’s personality and how they express them self.

What I realized is that taking part in acting in drama helps me to develop confidence, build self-esteem, and learn about cooperation. I learn how to have empathy, acting from different situations, time periods, and cultures. I improve my compassion and tolerance for others feelings and viewpoints.

Next, we have singing. Did I mention that our play is a musical? So we have to sing. We have seven songs. Beauty Impaired is for the stepsisters’ and backup. That Prince Of Mine, Cinderella and backup. Dainty do Gooder, the Queen, Snow White and backup. Mirror, Mirror, a rap song for the Mirror, the Queen, Snow White, Cinderella, and the stepsisters. Bullfrog Mambo for the frog prince and everyone. Finally, the Ever After song which is sung by everyone.

Singing is my favourite. You can either sing with your vocals coming from your throat or from your noise. The difference is, from your noise, you crunch your nose a lot when you would sing “Ahhh” in a high and loud voice. From your throat you would sing “Laaa” and you’ll project your voice in a regular singing voice. Singing helps with the communication skills. It helps with verbal and non verbal expression of ideas. It improves voice projection, articulation of words, fluency with language, and persuasive speech.

Lastly, we have dancing. Dancing has a lot of memorization. Also, dancing improves physical fitness; the movements improve flexibility, coordination, balance, and control. For dancing, you have to stick with the beat. For example, when you hear someone say 5 6 7 8, that is when you start to dance. The beat could be slow if the song is slow or if you are learning a routine. It could go like 1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4. If the song is upbeat you’ve got the hang of it, it could be 1 2 3, 1 2 3 or 1 2, 1 2.

For dancing, it is really important that you stretch before you start to be ready or you could do a warm up routine. What I think dancing is really about is to have fun and just letting loose, not winning first place in Dancing with the Stars or So You Think You Can Dance.

Drama club is a really fun thing to do. It helps with our memory; rehearsing and performing words, movements, and cues strengthen this skill like muscle building. I am so glad that our school had a great idea to start it. Also, big thanks to the drama club teachers and head teacher for doing this.

Our Drama club helps us in social awareness; legends, myths, poems, stories and plays used teach us about social issues and conflict from culture, past and present, and all over the world.

Unfortunately, schools rarely encourage students to recite poetry, for example, or learn how to give a rousing speech. Drama classes are a place where students can relish and play with language and vocabulary. Children need to be able to interact with each other in a safe environment where they can be brave and playful.

What activities do you like to do? Please tell me in the comments what you like to do as a pastime or extra-curricular activities.

Joanne K.