Do you know the word? I am writing to inform you on it. Life in West Africa has been completely changed. Nigeria, Congo, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Liberia, and Guinea are African countries affected by Ebola. The Deadly Virus named EBOLA has been the biggest Ebola outbreak history has seen. The worst thing is that there is no treatment or vaccine for Ebola. Only simple pain killers. You might think the disease causes pain in a specific body part, but it actually causes severe illness and bleeding. Out of everyone that gets infected, 90% die. This is a scary topic so brace your selves for the rest.

Ebola spreads easily and quickly by animals and humans. The most people in risk of getting this disease are Family members and Healthcare workers. Yes, healthcare workers. Even though they try to wrap up every single inch of their body with protective armour, they are in high risk! A sick person is contagious so people have to be very careful with them. A dead person can also spread it which is why it is important to bury them carefully. People often ask how you prevent from getting the disease in West Africa, when all around you is Ebola. The way you prevent Ebola is not to touch, kiss, or wash a dead body. They also have to wash their hands in a separate bucket from then someone who touched the dead body. You also need not to touch any Bodily fluids from a sick victim. Even if you are very careful to stay away, you need to wash your hands often. Did you know originally bats and other animals have Ebola? People need to keep away from them. It seems easy but already about 2,290 people have died and even more has been infected. It must be really hard to keep away.

There are 3 stages of Ebola symptoms. Usually symptoms appear about 20 days after you get the virus. Early symptoms are a fever, drowsiness, a headache, and Nausea. These are simply normal side effects of a cold, but no amount of Advil can help. Little does the person with the “cold” know, he may have been infected with the most deadly virus today. The later stages are more serious. You can vomit (may contain blood), have diarrhea (with blood), cough (may have blood), and simply bleed from mostly the nose or mouth. This is when it is clearer that you have Ebola. No one is 100% sure unless they go for a blood test. Once you are sure you have Ebola, the worst comes. You probably will become very ill and hospitalized. In most cases Ebola causes death. These are all the cold, hard, sad facts about Ebola. I wish that there was a type of medicine. I predict that in 100 years we will have the medicine and we will be known as the olden days. The majority of cases are in West Africa where they have little technology. Places from around the world with better devices and strategies like North America, try to donate items but in my opinion I think we need more than that. The World Health Organization (WHO) is trying to set aside money for Ebola to create a vaccine or Medication.

Did you know that there have been Ebola symptoms in Canada (Montreal)? I would really like to just walk into the hospital with proof there is a cure. Let’s all pray for our brothers and sisters with Ebola, the dead, and those who have lost their loved ones. Also pray for doctors who are under hard work. Let’s put Ebola to sleep!

Maxine Mutasingwa