Friends may leave,
Yes friends may go,
But they will never be your foe.

Friends may hurt you,
They may leave,
Sometimes they say things that you don’t believe,
But they will always be there for you,
With your friend you won’t be blue.

Love and laugh,
Cry and hate,
You do it together,
Confused and sad,
Disgusted and mad,
Friends forever.

They’re your joy when you are sad,
They’re your comfort when you are mad,
And friends they shall always be,
We’re all friends, yes you and me!

Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people’. I have had many friends for the past years and with every friend come a new adventure. I met some friends at school, some friends on my street, some friends from parties, and some friends from camps!! No matter where I met the friend, they were all unique in a special way.

One group of unique friends are some of the Watoto from Africanada. With all our similarities it makes an easy friendship, and with all our differences it makes an interesting one. A friend is a pal that will share your feelings and help you express them. Just last Saturday, I had fun watching and cheering Yanga and Simba soccer game with my friends. We all enjoyed sharing the moment together!

On the other note; my siblings and I just cerebrated our birthdays with our friends from school. We had a sleep over party and did a lot of fun activities together. It was all great and felt wonderful. Everyone deserve a friend!

As we all know there are many characteristics to friendship. Such characteristics include affection, sympathy, empathy, honesty, trust, and many more. I find that great friends are friends who you are able to be yourself with, and make mistakes without fear of being judged by them.

Friends are very important in our lives. Friendship is also easily formed. According to studies and research though, humans tend to form highest number of friendships at kindergarten and primary level. However, one tends to have fewer friends as s/he grows older and wiser. Why is that? I have no idea but those who’re older and wiser probably may share with us the Watotos/kids some of the reasons why.

I’ve realized that some people are fortunate enough to meet a person with whom they share a lasting friendship. Even though they each may follow separate paths, the thoughts, the memories, and the times they’ve shared with each other will always remain as a treasure in their minds and their hearts. I shall now end my piece with this quote: “Great friends are; Hard to find; Difficult to leave; Impossible to forge”

Venus Wambura