What does friendship mean to you? When I think of a friend, I think of what they do for me. As said in my last article, no friends can have a more powerful bond than siblings. But friendship is still a very powerful gift God gave us. We should cherish our friends until the end of our time. Good friends, old friends, new friends, all friends.

When I am feeling sad, angry or like no one understands me, I would go to my best friend because she would give me advice, make me laugh, or snap some sense into me! How about you? To be a friend, you need to have special qualities. To me, these are the most important:

  • Kindness
  • Honest
  • Encouraging
  • Trustworthy
  • Loyal
  • Supportive
  • Funny

What other qualities should a friend or you have?

Friends can stay for years but as you get older you can drift apart. For example, my best friend is moving to a new school closer to her. She and I have been friends since my first recess at school when I was the new girl in my school. It is bittersweet. Even though we promise to keep in touch, the future is unknown (Sad face). Drifting apart happens when you are older mostly caused by moving schools. But my mom has kept in touch with a number of her school friends with SOCIAL MEDIA and seeing each other on vacation. What if you are the one moving? It is a lot of pressure to make new friends and fit in. Even adults have to make new friends at a new job.

Some people (like me) are very confident and can easily go up to someone and join the conversation. Others are shy when it comes to new people. Either way, once you get confident use the qualities above. If someone in your school is new, use manners and be open to them. When making friends, here is a tip: DON`T JUDGE A BOOK BY IT`S COVER!! Also, don`t follow rumors or LABELS. If people refer to you as a label prove them wrong. Nerd, geek, popular, tomboy or loser, are all labels. Keep in mind a “nerd” or “loser” could be the best friend you have ever had. Labels should not affect your friendship.

Do not make a competition about who has the most friends. Of course that doesn`t mean you only need one friend! I have a lot of friends but only a few close ones. “The older you get, the more you realize it is less important to have more friends and more important to have true friends”- Unknown internet author. Friends can have ups and down. You can do a lot of things together (up), or fight (down).Little disagreements are usually compromised. But you may have a huge argument and find it hard to forgive or ask for forgiveness. During this time you ask yourself if you friend is true. A lot of people go through this. But remember “good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget” –Unknown. A real friend won`t pressure you to change, or avoid you because of rumors. Everyone needs a friend and if you have a good friend, be good back to them.

Here is an example of what a true friend should be like (including you).

“If your alone, I`ll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I`ll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I`ll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I`ll be your smile. But if you need a friend I’ll just be me.

What is your friendship story?

Maxine Mutasingwa