Almost every single movie that I have ever watched is centered around good vs. evil. For instance: Home Alone, Superman, Harriet the Spy, and so many more. Books as well almost always have good vs. evil in a subject or characters. Titled: Divergent, Robin Hood, etc… Even the Holy Book, -the bible- does to.

Everybody around the world has heard of Good and Evil.  In some people Good is dominant while in others Evil has taken over their hearts. Good vs. Evil is present in many people or – like in many movies and books and in real life – Good vs. Evil is a conflict between two people. Good people and Evil people. Take the Bible, Jesus is the Ultimate Good. He knows no evil in his heart. Satan is the extreme Evil, He loves evil… He feeds on it.  Jesus – like us- was tempted by evil (Satan) but he never gave in. His heart is strong and full of all the traits needed to be pure goodness. We all need to learn from Jesus. The Holy being who was able to turn down bread to eat after 40 days and nights without food and water in honour of goodness and the Lord. As said in Romans 12:21 ” do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” That means that even if you sin or do something evil it’s not exactly the end of the world. You can always do more good to overcome that evil.

We all struggle with good and evil in our innermost hearts. An old Cherokee told his grandson: “My son, there’s a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil. It’s anger, jealousy, greed, resentments, inferiority, lies and ego. The other is Good. It’s joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness and truth.” The boy thought about it, and asked: “Grandfather, which wolf wins?” The old man quietly replied: “The one you feed“.

What the old man said is very true I believe. Although the fight between Good and Evil is a hard one, we choose which one wins out in the end. If we resent, lie, hurt etc, we are feeding the evil wolf that is inside ourselves. If we love, hope, inflict peace and joy upon others and be kind and tell the truth etc, then we are feeding the better wolf, the Good wolf.  Good is not necessarily being a bonfire superhero in tights and a cape. It’s not just saving the world from the worst villain of all time. It’s also the small things like giving someone a helping hand or saving the environment. Evil is not just some villain with creepy painted face threatening to take over the world. It’s simply being mean to someone or hurting someone or something.

Evil is real. It should not be taken lightly. Good is real and it is the end to evil. I too struggle with Good and Evil in my heart so as everyone else, you! Sometimes I turn a blind eye when someone needs help, trying to comfort myself in saying that someone else will take care of it for me. I like to think that usually though that is not the case. When someone or something needs my help I usually suppose to give help to them. The same can probably be said for many people and the opposite can be said for many too.

Being evil is not something permanent. Good is like an eraser, Evil is like a marker. And our heart is like a blank whiteboard. Evil may write itself in our hearts but Good will always be there to erase it if you try, if you let it.

Being Evil and Being Good is a choice. What do you choose?

Serena Wambura