I am special because I live in Canada.  In Canada we have soldiers who sacrifice for us and the freedoms we have.
I am special because we have a big house to live in. I am thankful because in Canada and many other countries some kids and parents don’t have houses to live in and they sleep on the streets
I am special because I have nice clothes and shoes to wear. I saw in Tanzania lots of kids on the streets who had torn clothes and no shoes. Some of them had old and dirty shoes and some of the shoes didn’t fit them properly.
I am special because I have a loving family who I live with. Some kids in countries with wars they get separated from their families and never get to see them again.
I am special because I go to a good school. Other parts of the world kids do not go to school because their parents never went to school or because the parents don’t have money to pay  for their school.
I am special because I am the first born in my family and I get to teach my brother some stuff.
I am special because I am cute and all the grade eights in my school think I am cute.
I am special because I have friends to play with. Other kids are lonely and don’t have anyone to play with them.
I am special because I am grateful that I have lots of food to eat. Some kids do not have food and they die from starvation.
I am special because my parents have a car which we can use to go to different far places. If we didn’t have a car and then we had to visit friends far away we would get tired from walking or taking the bus.
I am special because I am very special and I am thankful for that.
Do you feel special watotos?
Tumpe Sia