As we all know by now, the beloved actor/comedian Robin Williams was found dead in his home in Paradise Cay, near Tiburon, California. The sixty-three year old apparently had committed suicide by hanging on August 11, 2014, after suffering from numerous years of deep depression and drug and alcohol addiction during his career. It is indeed a distressing thing when someone loved worldwide dies and it is even more heartbreaking to find out that the death is by suicide. Many did not expect this to happen to the star of countless movies including Good Will Hunting, Jumanji, and critically acclaimed, Mrs. Doubtfire. Alas, even though it was not expected by most, it was a certainly a possibility due to his lifestyle.

My parents always tell me to have meaningful conversations, do meaningful activities, read meaningful text, and learn meaningful topics that will help me in life, so I can be a “real life person”. They say that only occupying my free time with videogames, reading comics and manga, and talking about fantasy and what not will make me fake and unable to communicate with the real world properly. Williams’ career was mostly taking on roles of people he wasn’t and making jokes for the world. Along with that plus his drug and alcohol addictions, somewhere along his successful road of fame and money, he could have lost the true him entirely.

His job mostly consisted of doing “fake” things or not always completely being a hundred percent serious like voicing the genie in Aladdin or his comedian career, and he probably one day ended up not knowing who he really was anymore, and, because people adored the fake, always joking Robin Williams more than the REAL Robin Williams, he could have just adapted the happy go lucky persona he always portrayed. He might have become depressed over the fact that he no longer knew who he was anymore, and came to realize that people seemed to like the person he pretended to be more than the REAL him. It might have been almost as if he were forced to be someone who he was not. In reality though, I bet anyone would have liked the real Robin Williams as much as the “unreal, down to earth” several other characters that he portrayed in the several movies and standup comedies that he acted in. There are many disrespectful actors, comedians, and singers who might not be liked for their personalities but are liked for the work they produce.

To escape his depression, Williams resorted to various drugs and alcohol. Back during the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, William was addicted to cocaine. He did crack with his friend and frequent partier John Belushi. Following Belushi’s death of drug overdose and the birth of Williams’ first son Zak, Williams knew he just had to quit drugs and alcohol. Unfortunately though, in 2003, even though he promised never to do drugs again, he started drinking again, and ended up checking himself into rehab in 2006 in Newberg, Oregon. He later announced he was an alcoholic. In mid-2014, just before his death, he checked into another rehabilitation centre in Lindstrom, Minnesota for is alcoholism.

What I would like to know is why one may find lots of celebrities using drugs and being alcoholics. I personally think that it is maybe because, when they are not recording a song, shooting a scene for a movie or show, or on stage performing, they have a whole lot of free time. Plus, celebrities are some of the richest people in the world, so money plus free time equals almost whatever you want. And to help themselves relax from countless hours of whatever is their profession, they decided to use drugs. With money, they can get whatever drugs they desire without the trouble of the authorities’ awareness.

I wonder why, even when celebrities are found using illegal drugs, no immediate legal action is taken. I mean, a lot of celebrities who go to rehab for alcoholism and drug problems end up going more than once. Even when they go on trial, a majority of the celebs are either made to pay fines or do community service. Look at the Rob Ford case as an example right here in our backyard. He is kind of a celebrity; well known for his shenanigans. Chief Blair said he was very ashamed of the mayor. If the police really found anything even remotely drug related that had to do with Ford in that video, why hasn’t anything been done yet?!

In the sports leagues like the NBA or NHL, if you are charged for using drugs or any drinking related felonies, you could be fined a huge amount of money or banned from playing a couple of games. Why doesn’t the film, music, or any company representing a celebrity do the same? Fine or ban any celebrity who has done any illegal drug or alcohol related crime. By banning them, you don’t let them work for a certain amount of time, so that could come out of their paycheck. Sure, they would feel the pinch, and this would cause problems since the fans would not be able to see their favourite celebrity doing what they do best for a while. And maybe, while they are being banned, celebrities will opt out of being on drugs and drinking alcohol excessively to the extent of becoming addicts. They might hate cutting down on those substances but it is for their wellbeing and that of their families. It is, after all, better than jail time.

If normal people lose their lives as they know it for a crime they commit, shouldn’t celebrities too, as my mom would say, “face the music”? Just because they are loved by many does not mean they are any better than their fans, haters, or people who just do not know them. Even admitting having used drugs or having driven while drunk should be something celebrities should have to face some consequence for instead of going to rehab, promising not to do drugs or drink again (*cough *cough* Rob Ford *cough *cough*), then doing the exact same thing again!

Many people love to see celebrities perform and drugs and alcohol could just kill them off, just like they did to Marilyn Monroe, Anna Nicole Smith, Heath Ledger, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse, and Cory Monteith. If you are suffering from any type of mental or physical disorder, don’t you think there is a better way to make it go away? There are doctors who specialize in many different fields who can help. More importantly, you have your friends and family members who you can always lean on if anything, no matter how big, is bothering you. Drugs and alcohol might numb your pain temporarily, but only those who care for you can make that pain disappear properly.

For all of you out there who are currently on any type of illegal drug, no matter how small it is as an ounce of marijuana or as big as a kilo of cocaine, or even if it isn’t illegal like cigarettes or alcohol, please, ask yourself, is all this really worth it? Is it worth it to use drugs to numb my pain? Is it worth it to use drugs to help with depression? Is it worth it to use drugs because they are cool, I am being pressured, I have nothing better to do, whatever!? Is your reason worth it?

Look who Robin Williams left behind because drugs and alcohol could not help his depression. Three heartbroken children, a widowed wife and two others who, even though are not married to him any longer, will always remember the wonderful times they had with him, and many other family members, friends, and various celebrities and fans who always thought of him as a funny, down to earth guy. Do you want to be remembered as the wonderful person you are just like Robin Williams will be remembered? Or do you want to be remembered as someone who committed suicide, just like, unfortunately, Robin Williams will also be remembered?
