In memory of Vanessa Yasintha Wambura (August 2003 – August 2023).
Imagine you were to have only 24 hours left on this earth. 24 hours to do anything you want, anywhere you want and anytime you want, as long as it’s in a 24 hour time frame. 24 hours doesn’t seem like a long time. But if you ONLY had 24 hours I’m sure you can accomplish so many things. Why can’t we live life like that? As if every day was our last day.
You don’t have a notice when you’re about to die. Most of the time it just happens. We all pray to have a nice, calm death and a long time from now. But as God says, tomorrow’s not promised. What’s my point? My point is we need to live our lives to the max. Each day make a goal or two to do something that you never thought of doing or something that is amazing that you want overcome. You could learn to ride a bike, travel around the world you could even clean up your room for a change. But as long as you are not satisfied but happy with what you’ve overcome, you can die a happy death!
If I was told that I only had 24 hours left on this beautiful Earth, I would tell everyone how much I love them, overcome my fear of butterflies, moths and chipmunks (Yes, they’re real fears), I would go call my relatives in Tanzania and America. I would donate all my small clothes to charities and go on a shopping spree. I’d go to the beach with my friends and eat a traditional Tanzanian meal, followed by pizza! I would be a better me, as perfect as can be. In your last day on earth that seems like an amazing way to spend your day. But wait, can’t you do all that now? Yeah! You can. It’s not about the time that you’re given, or what the consequences may be, it’s what you do with your life and with the people you love that matters.
Time is precious, Love is even more precious, chose what you do with both wisely. I don’t tell my family enough how much I love them. So here’s a goal for you today, tell your family how much you love them. And don’t do it because I said so, but because you want to. Make another goal for yourself today. Go Big or Go Home. Once you’re spending your time crying, spend it laughing with someone, when you’re spending your time moping get up and try again. To sum it all up, live your life, to the fullest!
Safe summers,
Vanessa Wambura.
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