For the last 11 months, I have experienced deaths of close family members and friends. I think my parents had taken me once to a funeral, but I could not understand much what was going on. Last October, my mom’s friend and my dear auntie Millicent passed on. We attended her viewing, funeral mass and burial. In May this year, my dad’s father (my Grandpa, Peter) also passed on. My dad and his siblings travelled to Uganda for his funeral. In July this year, my mom’s cousin’s sister, Auntie Theodora passed on in Dar es Salaam. I remember when I last went to Tanzania; we slept over her house for three days.

All these deaths made me think of what it feels to lose a parent. Auntie Millicent’s kids have no mother now, my dad has no father now, and Auntie Theodora’s kids too have no mother now. I remember seeing Auntie Millicent’s kids at her funeral, and I cried when a thought crossed my mind that one day my own parents may also die. During and after the time, I remember being very worried that I may wake up one morning and find out that my mom was no more.

During this time, I realized how lucky I was to still have my parents. I started thinking of all the times I was rude to them and did not listen much to what they said. I started thinking that what if they were dead and I never said sorry for the wrong things I did, and it was too late, unless I say it in my prayers.

Then I realized, I need to love and care for my parents. I decided I will try to do the right things, listen to them and understand what they are saying and doing to me. I started loving my parents more even though sometimes they may do things that I do not agree with.

As kids, what can we do today that can help us to have good relationship with our parents? Here are a few baby steps:

  1. Don’t talk back. Try to listen first then after they are done talking, you can start talking.
  2. Talk to your parents with respect. They are you elders and they deserve respect.
  3. Don’t use the “I hate you” words to your parents. They are trying to do their best and they also have feelings too.
  4. Try to take their suggestions most of the times instead of rejecting them all the time.
  5.  Don’t act as the smart one. They have lived on the earth longer than you and they know better than you do.

If you want to have a good relationship with your parents, then follow these baby step rules and you will have the greatest relationship ever with your parents. As said, “if you do not love your parents, at least like them”.

I will love my parents now and forever as they are still alive. I would like to end this article with a small poem I have thought of:

Children love your parents,
Parents love your children,
When it is time to go, we will all go,
But know that once we finish our life on earth,
We will start a new life in heaven.
