At my school, all the students from grade 4 to 8 are required to write a speech on any topic of their choice. The time limit for juniors (grades 4 to 6) is 2 to 4 minutes. I chose the topic of mental health disorders. We have to say our speech in front of the class and the teacher picks two people to go to the next round. I made it to the top 3 but the teacher picked someone else and I didn`t go to the next round which is in front of the whole school. I would like to share with you my speech.


Each year it leads to 8 million deaths worldwide. It causes thousands of people to feel stressed, tired, and physically ill. Many hide these symptoms for fear of the stigma. It affects school life, work life and home life. It may even affect YOU. I am here this afternoon honourable judges, teachers, and fellow students to speak about mental health disorders.

A mental illness is a health problem that affects the way you think. It can change your thoughts, habits and actions. Some examples of mental health disorders are the bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and major depression disorder.

Depression is a mental health disorder that affects a person’s mood. Depression can also affect your physical health by giving you physical symptoms like headaches and stomach-aches. Depression lowers people’s self-esteem and changes their actions or habits they used to do. A person with a bipolar disorder experience some depression and episodes of mania. Mania is when you have an abnormally high mood for a person. You can feel unrealistically confident, happy, or very powerful.

Another mental health disorder is one you might be more familiar with. Anxiety disorders. We all get anxiety at a time when we are nervous, or panicked. Sometimes, anxiety disorders are easy to manage, but sometimes they can really affect a person’s life. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorder. Some symptoms are intense fear, unexpected panic attacks, and physical feelings such as a racing heart, shortness of breath and nausea.

People with mental illnesses need treatment. It is very different than a treatment for a sickness like the flu. Mentally ill people take antidepressants, or antianxiety. My mom is a pharmacist and my dad is a doctor. My dad sees patient’s everyday with mental health disorders. The doctor has to talk for a long time with the patient to know what has been happening and find out the patient`s experience. Then they decide whether to send this patient to a mental health specialist or to a pharmacy to get the appropriate medicine. My mom gives these medicines constantly. Other than medicine, people with a mental illness can be treated with talk-therapy which includes talking about their feelings with a specialist. Mental Health disorders strike at any age from children to seniors.

According to the Ministry of Children and Youth Services, about 460, 000 to 650,000 children and youth in Ontario have at least one mental health disorder. WOW!!Remember that this is only children and youth, that doesn`t include all those adults with mental illnesses. These numbers are shocking. Some people believe that mentally ill people are easy to spot because they don`t act normally. Truth is you could almost never tell if someone is experiencing anxiety or depression because they usually act normal in public. Also, it is very difficult for a mentally ill person to tell someone about their mental health disorder. Many people cover it up and don`t tell anyone. If you have a cold or a broken bone, you could easily tell people without being judged but with a mental illness it is different.

Jesus wants our mind and soul to be clean. It’s time for a change. We need more awareness and services to help people with common mental illnesses. To do this, you can write a letter to the Ministry of Health and Long term care to improve facilities. Remember, mental illnesses can affect anyone even you.

Maxine Mutasingwa.