Do you have a role? Do you have someone who you would like to be like when you grow up? To the parents, did you have a role model when you were growing up? Did you try so hard to be just like them? At the end, did you give up or do you still want to be like your role model today? I know I am asking a lot of question, but I too have a role model and I would like to share with you the wonderful life of Auntie Ullanda, my one and only role model.

Auntie Ullanda in my words is perfect in every way. She was born in the great in country Canada, in York Region like me. She went to school in the same area that I live. She was a smart girl (I can tell). She went to high school and did well. After high school, she went to university and then medical school in the USA and became a doctor. She met a Man and he turned out to be her husband the father to their child. She has a great life and is perfect in my eyes.

What is a role model, you may ask? A role model is a person who you look up to, who you think is perfect and that you set out a goal to be just like him or her. You admire him/her and want to follow his/her foot step in life. Role models don’t really know that they are role models but sometimes they figure out.

Auntie Ullanda is my role because she is a successful woman and she has done her best to do well in school. I want to be like her, to do well in school, to listen to elders and have a great life. With doing well in school and paying attention she became a doctor, wife, and mother. One day I want to be just like her. I am not sure if I will be a doctor, but I like to follow what she did to be where she is now.

Sometimes when in a situation in which there are no people to help me I would ask myself “What will Ullanda do?” Kind of like WWJD – “What Would Jesus Do?” I ask myself what will Auntie Ullanda do and then I can do whatever I need to do. I think that she has accomplished a lot and that I bet she is going to be a great mother to her child.

Thank you Auntie Ullanda for everything!
