In memory of Vanessa Yasintha Wambura (August 2003 – August 2023).

“No Random Act of Kindness, No Matter how Small is Ever Wasted “~ Anonymous

“When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.” ~ The Dalai Lama

Do you ever say “Hi” to someone you don’t know?
Do you ever open and hold the door for someone?
Do you ever give donations to less fortunate people?
Do you ever let someone play with you?
Do ever help someone who is struggling?
Do you ever help someone that needs help to cross the road?
Do you ever carry some ones’ things for them?
Do you ever say something nice to uplift someone?
Do you ever say “Please and “Thank-you”?

If you have then you know what a random act of kindness is. A random act of kindness is “a selfless act performed by a person or people wishing either to assist or to cheer up an individual person or people.” A few weeks ago, my sister and I surprised my older sister by doing something nice she wasn’t expecting at that time, she was so carried out with her emotional and she thanked us so many times. My sister and I performed a random act of kindness because we knew that my older didn’t want to do her task. It was great to be a part of this act of kindness. At school, I like helping my teacher or friends in class with little things sometimes. I do appreciate when the same is done to me. It makes a day or time to go by fast and in a better way!

Day by day people are living their lives in a total shame or frustration. They’re scared, lonely or afraid and they don’t have anyone around to care and comfort them. Just doing one small thing can really make someone’s day. You don’t have to buy them a big present or give them money. A simple gesture or simply saying hello could be all what is needed at the moment. To light up someone’s heart!

I found this really great video on YouTube that I really think was so important to me. It started with a boy falling off his skateboard and a construction worker helping him up. Then the boy helped an old woman carry her groceries across the road, this old woman gave a young woman money to pay for the parking meter. The woman then gave a man the wallet that he dropped. And so on… At the end of the video, a waitress gave water to the same construction worker that started the video. This is called the boomerang effect. It starts with one person and come back around to the same person, like a boomerang.

Another video showed an old blind man who had written a sign saying “I’m blind please help” Of the many people that passed him, few gave him money, and those that did give him cents they simply threw at him. A young woman passed and changed the man’s sign then left. Now, of the many people that came, many of them gave the man money and I mean cash money. The woman came back again and the man felt her shoes, he knew right away that she was the same person, so he asked what she did to his sign, she said that she had written the same, but in different words. She had written “It’s a beautiful day and I CAN’T see it”. This video (maybe I should say the lady’s act..!) touched me so much and I believe it touched so many others! She did what anyone of us can do. It’s just as simple as that sometimes. Here is one:

Imagine if every person did one random act of kindness, the world would be a better place! There are so many ways that you can help someone. Like leaving inspirational quotes around places where people will find it, or hugging your sibling or a schoolmate. One ARK..

A= Act
R= Random
K= Kindness

Do you remember the story of Noah’s Ark in the bible (or Safina in Quran)? Because of the peoples’ careless or wicked acts, God told Noah that there would be a flood for forty days and forty nights, wiping out everything in its path and flooding as high as the tallest mountain top. God told Noah that he would survive, only Noah and his family and one male and one female of every animal would be able to survive. Noah built an ARK that saved him and his family and the nature. Everything was destroyed and God told Noah, his family and the animals to go repopulate the earth. God made a promise to us that he would no longer destroy the earth. He marked the rainbow in the sky to help us remember. He kept his promise so we must make the world a better place… ONE ACT OF RANDOM KINDNESS AT A TIME!!. “Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” ~ Scott Adams

Vanessa Wambura