How do our parents praise us? By buying us a gift? Most parents take all their time to praise their children. But I think buying gifts and wasting money on gifts has been a problem for a lot of parents. I see a lot of parents trying to make their kids happy by saying “Yes honey we will get you that video game you wanted” or “for the good marks you got on that project, you can have ice cream after school, again” (on a cold freezing day of winter).

My blog today will not look at how parents praise their kids. I would rather want to look at how we [watotos] can praise our parents.

Where can we praise our parents?
You can praise your parents anywhere.
It could be at home, it could be anywhere in the house.
It could be in the kitchen, it could be in the dining room
It could be in the basement, it could be in the bedroom.
It could be at school, it could be at church
It could be in the library, it could be in a store
It could be at the park, it could be in a party
It could be in the car, it could be in a bus
It could be at friend’s house, it could be at strangers’ house
Anywhere you feel like, praise your parents.

Why do we have to praise our parents?
Praise them because they care for you
Praise them because they cook for you
Praise them because they house you
Praise them because they clothe you
Praise them because they protect you
Praise them because they take you to places
Praise them because they work hard to give us a good life
For any good reason, praise and praise them.

How should we praise parents?
Praise them loudly by saying “I Love You”
Praise them softly by giving them a hug
Praise them soothingly by showing them your calm side (not the wild one)
Praise them enthusiastically by dancing for them
Praise them rhythmically by singing to them your love
Praise them boldly by showing that you will love them no matter what
Praise them unexpectedly by showing your love out of the blue
Praise them fearlessly even when they are mad with you
Praise them in many other ways and occasions

Who should praise?
Praise them whether they are young or old parents
Praise them whether they are rich or poor
Praise them whether they are married or separated
Praise them whether they are able or disabled
Praise them whether they are good or bad
In any situation, praise them as THEY ARE.
