Do you want to rise above average? Do want to live an extraordinary life, exceeding and excelling? Well if you do, then I will tell you how to achieve it.

First, what is average? Average is to be in between, common, or ordinary. Many people in the world decide to settle for average. Average people complain a lot and they are not thankful for what they have. They talk a lot so people can believe that they are right. For example in proverbs 18:21(New living translation), it says, ”The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” They complain of what they do not have. I wonder, why is average so appealing? The reason is that it does not require any stretching and it is people’s comfort zone. The more they get near success; they feel like they cannot handle it, so they go all the way back to their comfort zone. Some people allow the feel of failing to pull them back.

If you want to rise above average, let the past be past. You cannot hold on your past failures and expect to move forward. Failure does not count as failure unless someone fails to try again. Always aim to achieve high goals, but do not set yourselves to the small goals. First, you have to have a mind of victory inside you. Some people may label you as a failure, but shake off the negative label. Believe it or not, you can’t do it by yourself, you need power from above, which is God. You need to think about possibilities and let your light shine to glorify God. You have to thank God for what you have and not complaining about what you don’t have; we were not meant to live ordinary lives, but extraordinary lives.

For example, in Genesis 1:28 it says, ” Then God blessed them and said, ”Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the Earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground”. Adam and Eve were meant to live extraordinary lives and take dominion. If you think ordinary, then you’ll be ordinary in your life. If you want to rise above average, you have to have supernatural enablement. What that means is doing something beyond your ability. You also need to be blessed. You will subdue and take dominion if you are blessed. You are not going to be blessed; you are already blessed because the blessing of Abraham is upon you. I will not settle for average, and I believe no one wants to be an average person.

If you believe yourself, you will exceed and excel. You will be the head and never the tail, above and not beneath! I know you will rise above average and may God help and strengthen you.

Josiah Damian