Summer is almost done, and September is around the corner. Wahoo! But why am I cheering? Of course, I missed one important thing, S-C-H-O-O-L. I have not been in a school for the past six weeks. I am not saying I am bored, but of course I am missing something!

School is a place where I spend almost six hours or more of my day. Even my parents went to school before they came to Canada and even after they arrived here. School is a place where you are taught new things every day. Today, I will give you a few reasons why I like school and why I miss it a lot!

School is a place where you get to learn many new things. If I didn’t go to grade four, I wouldn’t know about the Medieval Times and how there were many peasants, knights, and rich royals. Small things you learn every year like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division can help you in many ways. Even ask your parents. Without those four mathematic techniques, I don’t think they would be able to do many everyday tasks today like grocery, banking, taxes and more.

By going to school, I get a chance to learn many subjects such as Mathematics, Science and Technology, Language, Social Studies, Geography, History, Religion, and Physical Education. All these subjects will help me choose a right job in the future and help me to get a job and take care of myself and my future family just like the way my parents take care of my brother and me.

School is never boring. These days, teachers have many ways of making teaching and learning very fun. They give examples that can relate to the new generation of kids. I would say that grade four was the best year for me because of the fun ways my teacher taught me. She told us funny stories to go with our lessons and used nowadays objects like Rainbow Loom to make lessons interesting and understandable. I hardly got bored when she taught us. You will always have fun no matter what grade you are in because teachers today are on top of what they are doing and know how to have fun.

By going to school, I also get to meet many of other students who eventually become my friends. I get to play with them, visit each other, and invite each other for parties. Some of these friends may become my lifetime’s friends when I become an adult.

Do you know what S-C-H-O-O-L stands for? Here is what I think it stands for:

S = Seriousness: School is where we get serious with our school work. We pay attention to our teachers so that I don’t miss what they say.

C = Competency: School is where we learn the basic life skills and become capable of reading, writing and mathematics. These are skills that will help us in the future.

H = Honesty: In school, we are encouraged to tell the truth. We are expected to do the right things even when nobody is looking.

O = Organization: In school, we are taught to use Agenda to plan our day. We clean our desks to make it easier to find out school stuff. We apply this skill at home by organizing our bedrooms.

O = Obedience: In school we are expected to respect our teachers and other students, follow the rules, and obey the instructions given by teachers. We are expected to respect our parents at home too, listen to them and do house chores without being asked.

L = Learning: We study new things every day that that will help us in the future. We learn through listening, looking, talking, reading, playing, singing, dancing, drawing, colouring, and exercising.

Now you know why I miss school. Ooh no, I have to go, school will be opening soon. Ooh no, let’s remind our parents to go and do back to school shopping. Remember, we are back to school on September 2, 2014.
