What is the strongest muscle in our body? We may think it is the leg muscle or the arm muscle but really it isn’t one of those. The strongest muscle in our body is the tongue. It may be a small muscle but it does do quite a bit. The tongue helps to eat, swallow, taste, and it also begins digestion. If we take it to the other perspective the tongue is guilty of cursing, lying, boasting, and harming others. That is what the daily bread taught me on Wednesday, July 17, 2015. How a small muscle, can cause lots of harm like this?
I have been thinking about this from when I read, till now. I don’t know how but such words really impacted me. I never knew that the tongue as the strongest muscle but more importantly what is does. The tongue helps us swear, lie, and boast. The tongue can also be good. It can help us spread the word of God. It can give good compliments to others. It can also help us make a difference to others. As my mom always reminds us “we have two ears and one tongue so that we would listen more and talk less” I believe now I have to be very careful on what I say.
Nevertheless, it is not the tongue that causes us to do all the bad things, it is us. We have a choice, to do the wrong or the right. In order to stop all the bad things we say, we have to stop our bad thoughts and actions. The tongue doesn’t control us, the brain does. Our thoughts come out of our mouth. You have to stop the bad thoughts. As we keep all our bad thoughts about others, one day in they will all comes out.
Our tongues can also help other people, for example saying hello or complimenting someone can lighten up their day a lot. Saying kind things will also help us. By saying nice things to ourselves (otherwise known as complimenting) can turn us to be better people.
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