Why are there no snakes in Ireland? Why are four loaf clovers and shamrocks so popular? I am guessing these are some questions you are thinking. Today I am going to tell you the story of St. Patrick. Patrick was born in Great Britain. As a young boy he loved God. One day when Patrick was about seven years old, there was an invasion from Ireland and a lot of people were captured including Patrick.

Patrick was now a slave in Ireland and was working to care for pigs on a high mountain top. He was used to nice cooked meals, and during the time, he was so hungry, he ate the pig slop.

Patrick kept on praying, and one night he had a dream. He didn’t understand the dream so he just ignored it. The next night he had another dream and it was about him going on a boat back to Great Britain. In the morning he packed up and secretly went off away. It was a long way to get to the boat, but he knew God had a plan for him.

When he arrived at the boat, there were dogs that were going to France and barking like crazy. They stopped when Patrick came on. When Patrick told the captain he was going to be riding on the ship, the captain looked at Patrick and said no, knowing he was a runaway slave. When Patrick got off the dogs stared to bark again. One of the sailors said the dogs were fine when Patrick was on. So the captain said to get Patrick back on the boat.

When they arrived at France, the land was not too good because there was a war before. They got stranded and they were so hungry. The captain said “You say your God is so great, then why don’t you tell him to get us some food.” So, Patrick prayed to God and a huge herd of pigs came. They got all the pigs and slaughtered them. The sailors and dogs got meat to feed them for a while.

Later on, Patrick left the group and went off by himself for two years to get back home. His family was so happy to see him again and they told him to promise not to leave them again. One night, Patrick got a dream that the people of Ireland were asking him to come back and teach them about God. After his family begged him not to go, they finally they let him go. Patrick went with a whole group of priests, nuns, deacons, brothers, and more. Patrick had a chariot driver who gave Patrick a barn to build a church and that was the first church in Ireland, Patrick ordained the church and baptised the chariot driver and more people.

The king was hearing that Patrick was baptising people and he did not like it. The chariot driver heard the king was going to kill Patrick so he made a plan. One day the chariot driver said “Would you like to sit in the front and ride the horses, I am very tired”. So Patrick did. When they past the king’s house, the king through his sword wanting to kill Patrick, not knowing it was the chariot driver he killed instead of Patrick. The chariot driver died and Patrick looked back and saw the dead driver, but kept going to save his life. He thanked his friend for saving him. In fact, at this time, Patrick almost lost his life for the twelfth time. All this did not stop him from teaching and preaching the good news of God and baptising more people.

On March 17, 461 Patrick died. Soon after the death, Patrick became a Saint, the first Saint of Ireland. Now, people all over the world celebrate St. Patrick Day.

Here are two legends about St. Patrick. You know how there are no snakes in Ireland? (Ha, I would love that because I am scared of them!) Some people say it is because of St. Patrick. They say Patrick hit a big drum that made a loud sound that the snakes didn’t like. So, all the snakes slid in the water, like how Patrick drove away sin in Ireland. Wow! I have been thinking about how four leaf clovers and shamrocks are so popular. (As I like to ask a lot of questions in my head.) Well, now I know. Apparently, one day, Patrick was teaching some people about the Holy Trinity. The people didn’t understand how there was one God in three forms. So Patrick picked up a shamrock- also known as three leaf clover- and said there was one stem with three leaves. This means that the Holy Trinity is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The four leaf clovers are hard to find and it is believed that when you find one, you get a lot of good luck. After explaining this to the people, everyone understood what he was teaching.

Which legend did you like better?

Thanks for reading, and remember to be a leprechaun and find the pot of gold!

Happy St. Patrick Day everyone!

Joanne K.