“Two heads are better than one”. Have you heard of this saying?

That is a quote I have known for a while now through the little book of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens. Today I would talk about one of the habits in this book called “Synergize”. Synergize is all about teamwork. It is all about two or more people coming together to accomplish a task.

Grocery needs to be bought for my Africanadian home.
My mom and dad write the grocery list,
My mom and dad go to the grocery stores to buy the food,
My brother helps to bring the food in the house from the car.
I help to put the food in the fridge, cupboards or pantry.
My mom cooks the food later on for a delicious meal.
That is Synergizing.

Dinner needs to be prepared in my Africanadian home.
My mom cooks Red Beans and Ugali,
My dad BBQ some chicken and prepares the salad,
I set up the dinner table and remove dishes once we are done eating,
My brother washes the dishes and takes the garbage outside,
That is Synergizing.

My Africanadian home needs to always stay clean.
My mom sweeps and mops the floors,
My dad mows the lawn and waters the flowers,
My brother vacuums the whole house,
I clean the bathrooms,
That is Synergizing.

We need to do laundry in my Africanadian home.
My brother and I take the clothes to the laundry room and sort them,
My brother puts them in the washer,
My dad puts them in the drier and sometimes irons them,
My brother and I take our clothing back to our rooms,
My brother and I also fold them and place them in our closets,
That is Synergizing.

I have a school project with another classmate.
We both come up with the topic ideas,
My friend gets the supplies and builds the visual part of our project,
I do research on our project and write the report,
We put our work together and submit to the teacher,
That is Synergizing.

We do a lot of singing in my school choir.
Some singers do high pitch voices,
Some singers do medium pitch voices,
Some singers do low pitch voices.
One teacher plays piano,
Another teacher conducts the choir,
All these wonderful singing voices and piano brings out beautiful melodies.
That is Synergizing.

It is Saturday; the whole of my Africanadian family is home.
There is only one car for the whole family,
My mom wants to go for her volunteer job,
My brother needs to go for his basketball practice game,
My dad has to drop me to a friend’s birthday party and pick me up,
My mother takes the Go Train,
My brother takes YRT/TTC bus,
My dad drives me to the party and picks me after that.
That is Synergizing.

My brother wants to play his video games.
I want to watch a movie from Netflix.
My brother plays his games for a while.
I then I get to watch Netflix afterwards.
That is Synergizing.

Synergizing is everywhere. Synergizing is the way to go.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller
