For a very long time, people everywhere have been asking this very well known question. This question has caused many arguments throughout the ages. Children argue about it. Teenagers argue about it. Even the so called “mature” adults have argued about it. Many people have different opinions on the answer. Even I have my own opinion which would not quite keep me on good terms with some of my family members and friends. What is this argument causing question that generates many biased answers and opinions? “Which gender is superior?”

Now, back in the olden days, civilization made it clear that the man exceeded the woman in almost every way. Women were not allowed to vote, in some countries they were not allowed to go to school, and they were left to do most of the house work. That is still the same in many different parts of the world today. Like in Saudi Arabia, women have to cover their heads with a headscarf at all times while men don’t have to. Women can also not vote in Saudi Arabia as well and ironically enough, also in Vatican City, where the pope resides. Women from Saudi Arabia also cannot drive (to my mom, it should be men who do not drive since she is always complaining about my dad’s driving) and rape victims there can be charged! In Yemen, women only count as half a witness for crimes and they are not allowed to leave their homes without their husbands permission. And in India, road safety rules do not apply to women. All of these rules are just extremely unbelievable and unfair. All around the world, there are signs that show men think they are superior to women because they can restrict them with rules, but is that really the case?

Personally, I think women are much more superior to men in more than one area. Not all women might be as physically strong as men tend to be, but they are much stronger mentally (and I am not talking about intelligence because that is something I would definitely like to argue about). They can withstand all the discrimination and inequality men force upon them. I know for a fact that my mom is the most superior force in my Africanadian household. Women worldwide persevere for equality in protests and boycotts while men would just pick up arms and fight for freedom. Women know, better than men, how to fight without harming others.

You might find females to be very emotional and cry a lot but is also another strong suite of theirs. Unlike men, they are able to share their feelings with others better. Men tend to keep their feelings to themselves so they do not look weak or “girly”. Really though, those feelings they keep in weigh them down and make them weaker mentally. Girls are more willing to share their true thoughts and feelings with friends which make them mentally more stable and stronger knowing their friends can help with tough problems they could be facing. Of course, in most cases, girls share their feelings a tad bit too much which can either annoy people (*cough *cough* my mom *cough *cough*) or result to gossiping, but that topic is for another article.

Men are not all that bad though. There are a lot of men who went down in history being known for trying to help the world be a better place. We have Gandhi who led India’s independence movement by facing down the British colonialists in the 1930s and 40s by only speaking soft words, making worldwide renowned speeches, and having non-violent protests. Both Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela fought for freedom for their fellow African and African-American brothers and sisters. We also have historic men who are still alive today like Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States of America and the first black president of America. These are all fascinating men who changed the world for the better with their leadership. I, one day, too hope to be like them; a man loved worldwide who can help effect mankind’s development in a good way. Of course, to be a man like that, I must go to school, listen to my “superior” mother and my father, and always believe I can achieve great things.

Men do not show their feelings as often as women not only because they do not have anyone to lean on or because they do not have the will power. In some cases, it is because they do not want to drop their burdens on anyone else’s shoulders. Or in my case, I do not want to get laughed at by my parents because my burdens are trivial! But in all seriousness, men need to stay or seem strong for the people they care for, so they think their problems shouldn’t have to be anyone else’s. Though this does help show the world they could be more superior to women, men are quite stupid to think no one can help with their problems. Another thing that they might think makes them look strong but actually makes them look dumb is their sense of pride. Not wanting help from others when they are offered it is one thing men tend to do, like in debt situations. I mean, I would take the money offered if I was in debt, so I guess that means I am not a man…… OH NO!!!

Anyways, I have given my opinion: women are superior in more ways than men. Of course, they both have their flaws, like men overpowering women, or women gossiping, but they are both superior in their own ways. Of course, now I think my male friends think I am crazy and my female friends adore me but that is just my opinion. Of course, all men and women are different and might not be like what I have described in this article. Some men are not athletic but smart. Some women do not like to share their feelings but love games and comic book. I like books, games, sports, and “girly” TV dramas but that does not make me any less a man (I hope!) I have given my honest, unbiased opinion for this question everyone has asked. Now, what I would like to know is which gender you think is superior. Leave a comment with your opinion, and let the arguments begin!
